Number checker
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Number checker

Views: 492
This section is designed to verify phone numbers and retrieve information about Telegram users. The user inputs a number, and the system checks if it is registered in the application. If the number exists, data such as first name, last name, username, online status, and last seen time is extracted.

How the number checker works:


Use a database

If the «Use Database» option is disabled, you can input a list of numbers using the field on the right.


If you have previously checked numbers for their presence in Telegram but did not finish the database check, enable the «Use Database» option and specify the path to the database from the previous task. This database is automatically created after the last number check attempt.


The program automatically corrects the number format — it removes extra spaces, brackets, and dashes. Any numbers will work, but note that the software does not change the number 8 to 7 for Russian numbers. If a number starts with 8, it must be manually replaced with 7.

Request First Name, Last Name, and Bio

Here, users can configure data retrieval for a given number. For instance, if you only have the number and no other details, enabling this option allows the software to retrieve the user’s name, surname, and bio information. All retrieved data will be included in the final database file.


Delay between requests

The «Delay Between Requests» parameter defines the pause between number verification requests. The standard value is 5–10 seconds between requests, suitable for most situations, minimizing the risk of blocks or errors.


Maximum timeout (FloodWait)

Specify the time an account will wait if a flood restriction occurs. If the restriction exceeds the specified time, the account’s operation will pause. If shorter, the account will wait for the set period and resume the task.


Number of requests per account

The optimal limit per account is 15–20 requests per day. This is due to Telegram's API behavior, where frequent requests can lead to errors, causing numbers to be marked as «not found» even if they are active.


Exceeding the limit increases the likelihood of errors, so this parameter should be tested with your accounts. At the time of writing, the limits are as follows: a maximum of 20 requests per account per day. Depending on your tasks, consider this restriction. If your delays allow checks to run throughout the day, it is reasonable to set 20 requests per account. If checks are completed more quickly, reduce the number to avoid errors during subsequent cycles. Otherwise, the software may issue errors, wasting time without verifying numbers. Plan accordingly based on your settings.

Select accounts

This standard parameter allows users to specify the list of accounts used for number verification. In the pop-up window, select the required profiles, but note that only accounts from the «Active» folder are available.


Gender determination

If enabled, the results will include the gender of users. Gender is determined based on the user’s name and works with approximately 70% accuracy.


Streams control

In this mode, you can configure the number of threads and specify the delay interval. For example, setting 12 threads will allow the system to use 12 accounts simultaneously. When one account completes its task, the system selects the next account and waits for the interval between tasks, which is determined by a random value within the specified range, such as 30–45 seconds.


At the end of the process, the user receives results — the program collects data about users by numbers: first name, last name, username, last seen date, online/offline status, and bio information (if available). All this data is saved in a database, which can be viewed both during and after the verification process.

Remember, if an account stops finding numbers, it’s a signal to reduce the number of requests or increase delays. Properly configured accounts can operate daily without issues.

Also, monitor the logs — successful requests will appear as «user found,» while unsuccessful ones will be marked as «number not found».