Contract offer
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Contract offer

11 months back
Views: 963
Under this Agreement, one party, the Seller on the one hand, and any person who has accepted the terms of this Public Offer Agreement - the Buyer, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties, have concluded this Public Offer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), addressed to an unlimited number of persons, which is official public offer of the Seller to conclude a product purchase agreement with Buyers in the corresponding section of the Website

1.1. This Agreement is concluded by providing the Customer’s full and unconditional consent (acceptance) to conclude the Agreement in full, without signing a written copy of the Agreement by the Parties.
1.2. The Customer confirms that he has read and agreed with all the terms of this Agreement in full by acceptance.
1.3. Any of the following actions is considered acceptance of this public offer agreement:
- The fact of registration of the Customer on the Contractor’s Website and placing an order on the website
- Payment for the Contractor’s services on the terms and in the manner specified in this Agreement and on the relevant pages of the Contractor’s Website;
- written (including electronic form by email) notification
The Customer's acceptance of the terms of this Agreement to the email address specified on the website
1.4. By concluding this Agreement, the Customer automatically agrees with the full and unconditional acceptance of the provisions of this Agreement, prices for services and all
applications, which are an integral part of the Agreement.
1.5. If the Customer does not agree with the terms of the Agreement, he does not have the right to enter into this Agreement, and also does not have the right to use the Services under this Agreement.

“Public offer agreement” - a public agreement, a sample of which is posted on the website
“Acceptance” - The Customer’s provision of full and unconditional consent to conclude this agreement in full, without signing a written copy of the Agreement
“Services” - a service or several services in the field of information technology (namely, services for delivering data from other cloud services to the Customer) provided
by the Contractor, and specified by the Contractor in the relevant section of the Contractor’s website
“Customer” is any capable individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur who visited the website and accepted this Agreement.
“Contractor” is a business entity, an individual providing services in the field of information technology
“Order” is a duly completed application from the Customer for receiving Services addressed to the Contractor.

3. Subject of the agreement
3.1. The Contractor undertakes, under the conditions and in the manner specified in this Agreement, to provide the Customer with Services in the field of information technology (namely, services for providing unique codes), and the Customer undertakes, under the conditions and in the manner specified in this Agreement, to accept and pay for the ordered services.
3.2. The Customer and the Contractor confirm that this Agreement is not a fictitious or false transaction or a transaction concluded under the influence of pressure or

4.1. The Contractor is obliged:
- comply with the terms of this Agreement
- provide the Customer with services of appropriate quality;
- objectively inform the Customer about the Services and the conditions for their provision on the website

4.2. The Contractor has the right:
- unilaterally suspend the provision of services under this Agreement in the event of a violation by the Customer of the terms of this Agreement;
- other rights in accordance with current legislation and this Agreement.

5.1. The customer is obliged:
- timely pay for the ordered Services under the terms of this Agreement;
- read the information posted on the Contractor’s website.

5.2. The customer has the right:
- place an Order for services indicated on the corresponding page of the website;
- require the Contractor to provide Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;
- other rights in accordance with current legislation and this Agreement.

6.1. The customer independently places an order on the appropriate page of the Website by filling out the order form, using the payment system by clicking the “Top up” or “Create code” button, or by placing an order by email.
6.2. The processing time for the Order by the Contractor is up to 3 (three) working days from the date of its execution. If the order is sent on a weekend or holiday, the deadline
Order processing begins on the first working day after the weekend.

7.1. The price of each individual Service is determined by the Contractor and is indicated on the corresponding page of the website. The Contract price (Order cost) is determined by summing the prices of all services selected by the Customer.
7.2.Payment for services is carried out by:
7.2.1. transfer of funds to the Contractor's current account (if the Customer is an individual or legal entity) or
7.2.2. using other means of payment (payment systems) that are listed on the Contractor’s website (if the Customer is an individual).
7.4. The moment of payment for services is considered to be the transfer of funds to the Contractor’s current account.
7.5. Payment for services is made by the Customer within 3 (three) banking days from the moment the Parties conclude the Agreement and issue the corresponding invoice
Performer. The invoice drawn up by the Contractor is valid for three banking days.
7.6. The Customer independently and at his own expense pays the cost of services of third parties, if this is necessary to receive the Contractor’s services under this Agreement (for example,
Internet access services and others).

8.1. The rules for the provision and receipt of services are indicated on the corresponding page of the Website and are annexes (integral parts) of this Agreement. All questions that arose during the process of payment and receipt of services can be clarified by the Customer from the Contractor using contact information.
8.2. The fact of receipt of services by a Customer - an individual is confirmed by such Customer's payment for the Contractor's services.

9.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with the current
9.2. All disputes arising from or related to this Agreement are resolved through negotiations between the Parties.
9.3. If the relevant dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations, it is resolved in court according to the established jurisdiction and jurisdiction of such a dispute in
in accordance with current legislation.
9.4. The Contractor does not bear any responsibility for the failure to provide or improper provision of services to the Customer subject to the occurrence of any circumstances
which arose through no fault of the Contractor (namely, the occurrence of circumstances arising through the fault or negligence of the Customer and/or the occurrence of circumstances
which arose due to the fault or negligence of any third party (any third parties) and/or the occurrence of force majeure).

10.1. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations provided for in this Agreement if it arose in
as a result of force majeure circumstances.
10.2. In this Agreement, force majeure circumstances mean any circumstances that arise against the will or contrary to the will or desire of the Parties and
which cannot be foreseen or avoided, including: hostilities, civil unrest, epidemics, blockades, earthquakes, floods, fires, as well as decisions
or instructions from public authorities and management of the state of which the Customer is a resident, or of the state of which the Contractor is a resident,
as a result of which additional responsibilities are imposed on the Parties (or one of the parties) or restrictions are established that make it impossible
further full or partial execution of the Agreement, as well as other actions or events that arose against the will of the Parties.
10.3. If force majeure circumstances continue for more than 3 (three) months in a row, then each of the Parties will have the right to refuse further performance
obligations under this Agreement and, in this case, neither Party will have the right to compensation from the other Party for possible losses.

11.1.Each Party guarantees to the other Party that it has the necessary legal capacity, as well as all rights and powers necessary and
sufficient for the conclusion and execution of this Agreement in accordance with its terms.
11.2. Unilateral change in the terms of the concluded Agreement by the Customer or refusal to fulfill the terms of the concluded agreement by the Customer is unacceptable, with the exception of
cases provided for in this Agreement. Neither Party to this Agreement has the right to transfer its rights and obligations to third parties without consent
the other Party.
11.3. Information provided by the Customer is confidential. It is used solely for the purpose of fulfilling his Order.
11.4. By accepting the Agreement, the Customer voluntarily consents to the collection and processing of his personal data for the following purpose: data that
become known, will be used for commercial purposes, including obtaining information about the order and processing information about it, transferring telecommunication
means of communication (by email, mobile communications) advertising and special offers, information about promotions or any other information about the activities of the website.
11.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Customer when placing an Order. The customer is responsible for
the accuracy of the information specified when placing the Order.
11.7. The Customer is granted the right to use the Contractor’s services exclusively in its internal activities without the right to alienate or transfer them to
benefit of third parties.
11.8. The parties undertake to maintain confidential information received as a result of the implementation of this Agreement, except in cases where this
is authorized in writing by the other Party or required by government authorities in accordance with applicable law. For disclosing confidential
information, the guilty party is liable in accordance with the current
11.9. The Agreement is public and unlimited and is valid until terminated by any of the Parties in the manner established by this Agreement or the current
legislation, but in any case until its final execution by the Parties. The parties agreed that the validity period of this Agreement cannot
be less than 3 (three) calendar months. This Agreement is considered agreed upon by the Customer and concluded at the location of the Contractor from the date
11.10. The Contractor independently, in accordance with and in pursuance of the requirements of current legislation, determines the terms of this Agreement and
applications to it, which are its integral parts. The Contractor has the right to independently change and/or supplement the terms of this public agreement and
appendices thereto, including the rules for providing and receiving services under this Agreement. At the same time, the Contractor guarantees and confirms that the current version of the text of this Agreement and its annexes posted on the Contractor’s website, including the rules for the provision and receipt of services under this Agreement, is
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