Roskomnadzor's Data: What Bloggers Need to Know About Telegram
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Data from the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti for bloggers with more than 10,000 subscribers to the Telegram channel

1 month back
Views: 162

Data for Roskomnadzor for Bloggers with Over 10,000 Telegram Channel Subscribers

Bloggers actively operating in one of the most popular messengers, Telegram, earn decent incomes, especially those with several thousand subscribers. However, they are often reluctant to officially register and pay taxes. Now, according to an order from the Ministry of Digital Development, the data that must be provided to Roskomnadzor during influencer registration has been defined. These are active bloggers who have managed to attract an audience of 10,000 subscribers or more.

Important Information

Compliance with these requirements is mandatory not only for individuals active on Telegram but also for those operating on platforms such as YouTube, Rutube, TikTok, VK, Odnoklassniki, Discord, Twitch, Yappy, Pikabu, and others (a total of 15 platforms).
The question of whether bloggers on social media platforms banned in Russia, like Instagram and Facebook, need to register remains open, as they are not listed by Roskomnadzor. However, since the term "social network" is defined in Article 10.6 of Federal Law No. 149-FZ dated July 27, 2006, Instagram and Facebook theoretically fall under its jurisdiction.

What Data Is Submitted to Roskomnadzor?

A blogger with 10,000 subscribers working in Russia, regardless of their legal status or citizenship, is required to provide Roskomnadzor with the name of their page and a working link to it. Below are the details:

  • Individuals: Must register by providing their last name, first name, patronymic, email address used during registration in the messenger (or social network), and contact phone number.

  • Legal Entities: Provide their organizational and legal form, full and abbreviated name, Primary State Registration Number, phone number of the group owner and/or administrator, and email address.

  • Self-Employed Individuals: Provide their last name, first name, patronymic, phone number, group administrator's phone number, Individual Taxpayer Number (ITN), full name, and email address.

  • Citizens of Other Countries and Stateless Bloggers: Provide their full name, residential address, email, and phone number.

  • Foreign Companies: Must provide Roskomnadzor with the full and abbreviated name of their company, Tax Identification Number (TIN), country of registration, identifier in the Trade Register, email, and phone number of the community owner or administrator.

Administrator: This is the person (e.g., an SMM specialist) who posts information on behalf of the organizer. If the blogger hires them, their data must also be provided.

How Are Details Submitted to Roskomnadzor?

Amendments were introduced to the Federal Blogger Law No. 303-FZ on August 8, 2024. From this date onward, all influencers subject to the law are required to undergo identification. The procedure is simple:

  1. Fill out a form on the official Roskomnadzor website or via Gosuslugi (Government Services).

  2. Receive a unique identification number.

  3. Within three days, post the ID in the channel description.


The standard verification period by the regulator is one business week. After successful verification, the blogger will receive a notification from the regulator via email. This notification will include a link where the blogger can view their entry in the Register.

Restrictions for Unregistered "Ten-Thousanders"

Starting in 2025, non-compliant influencers will not be able to post offers for paid subscriptions, donation requests, promotional posts from partners or advertisers, or any other content provided by them. Subscribers of such a blogger will not be able to make reposts from their page to other communities or groups, nor to personal messages.
The messenger administration may restrict access to the community, and Roskomnadzor may block the violator's channel.

Removal from the Roskomnadzor Personal Pages List

If a group is deleted or blocked for reasons unrelated to the law on influencer registration with 10,000 subscribers, the blogger must notify the regulator within three business days. Exclusion from the Register is tracked by Roskomnadzor itself without any notifications from the blogger.

Risks for Advertisers

We recommend not placing advertisements in the group of an unregistered blogger. Roskomnadzor may block the page, and then the target audience will simply not see the advertisement. It is difficult to recover your money, and Roskomnadzor may take interest in the advertiser themselves.


Do not violate Roskomnadzor's requirements and do not collaborate with violators, and everything will be fine.
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